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Take the Online GED Test

Get your GED from the comfort of your home, while securely monitored by an online proctor


Available in English and Spanish.

Process of Getting a GED Online

This video breaks down all of the key information you’ll need to start testing online.


What’s Needed to Take the Online GED Test

  • Computer, Webcam, Internet

    You need a computer with webcam and reliable internet. Run a system test to make sure your computer meets the requirements.

  • Private Workspace

    The room should have four walls, a closed door and no distractions.

  • Government-issued ID

    We will verify your government-issued ID when you check-in for your test.

  • ‘Green’ GED Ready Score

    You must take a GED Ready practice test and score ‘green’ within the last 60 days for each subject in which you want to test online.

How the Online GED Test Works

  1.    Perform a system test to make sure your computer, webcam and internet connection meet the requirements for testing online.
  2.     Schedule your online test within 60 days of scoring ‘green’ on a GED Ready practice test.
  3.     Log in to 30 minutes before your test appointment to launch your test.
  4.     Follow the on-screen steps to check-in for your test including verifying your system, I.D. and workspace.
  5.     Take your test while an online proctor monitors you just like they do at a test center.
  • Online GED Exam Rules
    • Cheating is strictly prohibited! Any attempt to have someone take the test for you is considered a serious policy violation. Violators will permanently forfeit their right to test Online and/or have all prior testing revoked.
    • You must be physically located within the United States to complete your Online GED test. Any Online GED test taken outside the US borders will result in a revoked appointment and loss of your test fee.

    • You consent to being videotaped and recorded
    • Personal items such as mobile phones, headphones and watches must be out of reach (this includes all wired or Bluetooth devices unless explicitly approved)
    • You must be in a private, walled room with a closed door
    • No one else is permitted in the room once your exam has started, for any reason
    • You may not leave the webcam view for any reason.
    • No one is permitted in the room for any reason.
    • You cannot use a calculator or scratch paper or take physical notes
    • Food, smoking and gum are prohibited
    • You cannot move your webcam once your testing session has started
    • Mumbling, speaking out loud or covering your mouth are not allowed and will lead to a warning
    • Testers cannot use touchscreen features on laptops when testing
    • You must be fully clothed while testing

    Breaking any of these rules will result in your exam(s) being revoked, loss of payment, and you will be banned from testing in the future.


    Additional Resources

    Study Resources:

    Blog Resources

    Check out the GED blog for more study tips & helpful resources.

  • Tools Available During the Online GED Test

    Technical Assistance

    • Onscreen chat with the proctor will be available, but the proctor will not answer any questions related to exam content
    • Make sure you close out all other applications and complete the system test ahead of time. Poor internet connection is one of the most common technical issues during the test.

    Onscreen Calculator

    • You will not be able to use a physical calculator but will have access to an onscreen calculator during the exam. Practice with the calculator tutorial.

    Onscreen Scratch Pad

    • You will have access to an onscreen scratch pad to take notes and perform math calculations

    Onscreen Whiteboard

    • You will have access to an onscreen whiteboard so you can use your mouse to draw and write out math calculations. Access this feature anytime during your test by clicking the Whiteboard icon at the top of the screen.
    • Practice using the online whiteboard

Online GED Testing FAQs


Take Your Online GED Test Today!