Staying focused during online classes can be difficult. A number of things can distract you whether it be a loud environment or surfing the web. Here are a few tips to help you remain focused during GED Live online classes or other live courses!
1. Turn On Your Camera
Turning on your camera helps you stay accountable because others will be able to see your face during class. This makes it harder for you to get distracted due to the added pressure of people watching you. Keeping your camera on also lets your instructor know that you are not only engaged with the topic at hand but that you are also understanding the material.
2. Participate
Participation can take various forms. Asking questions when you are not sure about a topic will help you understand the material better. You can also participate in the class group chat, answer polls the teacher sends, or unmute yourself during class. Participation during class allows you to build a learning community with fellow students and teachers.
3. Take Active Notes
Studies show that taking notes on paper helps you understand and remember information better. Physically writing things down takes more thought than typing. Therefore, you are processing information on a deeper level. Writing notes also decreases your chances of getting distracted because you won’t have to open another tab or window to get to your notes.
4. Study in a New Place
Switch up your environment on occasion! Studying in your room can lead to being distracted because we associate our rooms with downtime and relaxation. Finding a dedicated study location forces you to associate said place with focusing and being productive. This new location can be outside, in an office, or at your local library or cafe.
5. Rewatch Lectures
Rewatching lectures aids in being able to recall information faster. Once a week after your classes, take a moment to sit down and listen to a previous lecture and go over your notes. You can listen to the recording at 1.5x speed and add onto your existing notes as a refresher.
Be sure to utilize all these tips to ensure that you have a successful GED journey! Visit GED’s website for study tips, practice tests and more.

Ese U. Marketing Intern. Pop culture enthusiast, movie aficionado, and music connoisseur.