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Test Subjects

The GED® test is made up of 4 subjects, broken into separate exams. You don’t have to take all 4 tests at once – you can space them out however it suits you and go at your own pace. Here is an overview of what is on the GED, by subject area.

Reasoning Through Language Arts

Test Topics

Reading for Meaning
Identifying and Creating Arguments
Grammar and Language

Time (to take the test)

150 minutes
Includes 3 minutes of instructions and final review
Includes 10 minute break between parts 2 and 3
Includes 45 minutes for the written essay


3 sections
1 written essay (extended response)
Multiple choice and other question types (drag and drop, select an area, and drop down)


Price varies by state. See cost per state.



Test Topics

Reading for Meaning in Science
Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments
Using Numbers and Graphics in Science

Time (to take the test)

90 minutes
Includes 2 minutes of instructions and final review
No break



* Access to onscreen calculator
* Your own TI-30XS calculator allowed in test center
Access to calculator reference sheet
Multiple choice and other question types (fill in the blank, drag and drop, select an area, and drop down)


Price varies by state.  See cost per state.


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