Protecting the value of the GED® credential, including the hard work millions of students put in each day to study for and take the GED® test, remains a top priority for us at GED Testing Service. This is certainly not a solo effort, it’s takes everyone’s eyes and ears to find out where cheating might be happening and how people are doing it. We understand it’s not always clear to test administrators, students and educators that there are legal and financial liabilities that come with stealing intellectual property.
Here are a few important points to remember:
- Debriefing with a tester about test questions is a violation of the testing agreement with GED®, it’s important to be a role model of good behavior. Don’t encourage testers to talk about exact test items, it is okay for them to discuss general topics on the test.
- It’s important that classroom personnel know that they can’t take the GED® test, it is only for those in need of a high school equivalency diploma. Your classroom personnel can use item samplers, sample questions, study guides and tutorials for additional insight on what is included on the test.
There are security measures built into the exam to make cheating difficult and there is a lot of review and scrutiny after a test subject is taken. The consequences associated with cheating are serious. They include but are not limited to having a tester’s exam revoked, a GED® credential being revoked and even prosecution.
We put forth our best efforts to provide the resources educators, test takers and test administrators need to properly prepare for, take and administer the GED® test in good faith.
If you suspect cheating you should contact our call center at 1-877-EXAM-GED (877-392-6433). It’s helpful to have names and dates of test events, this includes testers’ names and names of personnel involved or negligent in test administration.