Roses are red, violets are blue, for the price of one GED Ready® you can get two!We’re sharing the love and showing our appreciation on Valentine’s Day and throughout the month with our 2 for 1 GED Ready® promotion!

February 14 through February 28, students can purchase two GED Ready® test subjects ($12 value) for the price of one ($6).

Students can purchase the test on using the promo code “2FOR1” at checkout.

The fine print:

  • Students must buy two GED Ready ® test subjects for the code to work (it will not work with any other number of purchases).

GED Ready® tests are a great resource for students starting or completing the test taking journey and the detailed feedback included with test results can help create an accurate plan for classroom and home study.

We encourage you to share this flyer with your students, it has additional information about this promotion.