President’s Corner: Looking Back at 2021 and Looking Forward to 2022
November 10, 2021As the year comes to an end, we are sharing a closer look at the progress of the GED test program, our learners, and what’s to come.
A Look at the GED® Student Experience
September 8, 2021To help better prepare your student on what to expect through their GED journey, we want to share the student’s views as they interact with their GED.com account through the preparation, scheduling and testing phases.
Updates to the Student GED.com Sign-Up Process
August 11, 2021We are making updates to simplify the GED.com account sign-up process for students.
Resource Reminder: GED.com Demo Site for Adult Educators
November 18, 2020Last year we launched a GED.com demo site so educators can more easily view the student account experience.
GED.com Demo Site Now Available for Educators
November 13, 2019We're excited to announce a new tool for educators and others who help students sign up for GED.com accounts.
Updates to Student GED.com Accounts
September 11, 2019We have made some updates to enhance the GED.com account experience for students.