We are making updates to simplify the GED.com account sign-up process for students.
Beginning this month, students will notice changes when they set up a GED.com account. Our goal is to make it easier for students to create their GED account, especially since we’ve heard feedback from both students and educators that it’s currently a lengthy process. During account creation, we will ask for the most relevant information that we need from the student. Students can answer additional questions once they are further along in their GED journey. These questions help us learn more about the students and how we can help them earn their credential.
The Accommodations question will be moving out of account set-up this month. Instead, students will see a notification after creating their account that asks if they need a testing accommodation.
Students can also request an accommodation within their Profile drop-down menu. This change will allow students to easily apply for a testing accommodation at any time within their student portal without slowing them down during the account creation process.
You can expect more simplifications to our account creation process in the next few months as we strive to make our site easier for students to navigate, and ultimately help more students get through their GED journey.
–Nadia Gonzales, GEDTS Communications