Welcome Back, Tennessee to the GED® Family!
May 15, 2024The GED Testing Service would like to welcome the state of Tennessee back after an eight-year hiatus. The state officially offers the GED as of April 18, 2024. Since Tennessee last offered the test in 2016, we have made many innovations, such as GED Marketplace, an updated website, and a…
Student Success Story: Shantelle, Mother and GED® Grad of the Year 2017
May 15, 2024As we recently celebrated Mother’s Day, we included this inspiring student’s success story to applaud her journey as a Mom and GED Grad! What was the motivation to pursue your GED? I have struggled with motivation for as long as I can remember. Challenges scared me, and perseverance was not…
Thank You for Participating in Our Educator Survey 2024
May 15, 2024GED® Testing Service recently reached out to adult educators, program directors and jurisdiction administrators for feedback on program administration and services we provide, such as professional development. We also wanted to learn about expectations and interest in services beyond the GED credential as graduates take on other challenges in school…
Changing Lives at COABE and Miami Job Expo
April 17, 2024During the last few months, I have met many learners, educators, program administrators, and employers in person. This is my favorite part of my position as President and CEO at the GED Testing Service. It is truly energizing to be in a room full of like-minded professionals who are there…
GED® Test Content Development Process
April 17, 2024To fully understand the GED® test, it is best to understand how the GED is developed. To ensure the integrity of the test, every item used on a GED test and GED Ready® practice test undergoes a rigorous review process across several stages, including initial development of the content, expert…
Spotlight on Alaska: GED Administrator Windy Swearingin and Assistant District Attorney Janet Romig
April 17, 2024Spotlight on….is the first of a series of articles about the GED administrators and educators around the country and around the world. We are starting this series with the State of Alaska! The GED Administrator for Alaska for the past five years is Windy Swearingin. As you can guess, life…
Coming to you this summer: GED & Me™: Mobile App
April 17, 2024It has been a while since we have talked about the GED Mobile app. A lot has happened in such a short amount of time, we would love to get you caught up! You may recall when we last connected in October 2023, we shared that 60% of GED learners do…
Join us for the 2024 GED Conference: We’re Not Done Yet!
March 19, 2024We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 GED Conference in sunny southern California, where you can immerse yourself in educational inspiration alongside the cool waves of the Pacific Ocean. This year’s event will be grander than ever on all levels – more innovation, more ways to connect,…
Improvements to the GED website!
March 19, 2024This Spring you will see a new layout of the Admins and Educator section of the GED website. The reasoning behind this revamp was to create a version that is more intuitive, easier to navigate and reflects a design that parallels the main GED.com homepage. Most importantly, all existing content…
Inspiring Community Partnerships: The Mission of Yahweh
March 19, 2024At GED® Testing Service, we thrive on empowering people’s lives through education. A great example of how we celebrate Women’s History Month is the GED Community Partnership Program with the Houston Tutorial Association and the Mission of Yahweh, a non-profit community organization that primarily serves women in Houston. The Houston…
Join me in Celebrating Women’s History Month
March 18, 2024As we celebrate National Women’s History Month in March, I want to honor the successes and sacrifices of our U.S. women. The origin of this celebration dates to March 8, 1857, when hundreds of women from New York City garment and textile factories rallied to protest harsh working conditions. 52…
Find out about the GED Tech Apprenticeship in association with WithYouWithMe
February 21, 2024GED graduates get free access to a world-leading online training program for jobs in the technology field. Students can join for free. HOW IT WORKS https://withyouwithme.com/join-the-ged-tech-apprenticeship-program/