We’re launching a new series of Tuesdays for Teachers webinars focused on helping educators connect their learners to college and career options.  Our first webinar, Pearson’s Network of Opportunities for the GED Student and Graduate, will highlight opportunities Pearson has for GED students and graduates to explore postsecondary education, career training, skills’ badging, and more.

Our partners from Accelerated Pathways, Credly, and Julius Ed/GEDWorks will provide you with new ideas and resources to help you, and your GED candidates think beyond their tests to their future goals. Our special guests for the webinar are:

  • Liza Canchola, Accelerated Pathways, Director of Client Revenue & Operations
  • Pat Leonard, Credly Vice President, Partner, and Business Development
  • Matt Evans, Julius Ed Managing Principal

Join us Tuesday, September 27 at 2:30 pm CT to listen, and learn about opportunities available for GED learners. We’ll also have a robust Q&A discussion about the connections you and your learners can make to:

1) no or low-cost access to college, 2) employment opportunities with employers looking for their unique skills demonstrated by a GED credential, and 3) training for job & career pathways in cleantech and the green economy, through Julius Education, including a green jobs training program in Denver, CO.

You can pre-register for the webinar here: https://pearson.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlce2pqT4rH9NlW1glmEf3INCsa7vm21IK