We have identified common behaviors, motivations, and attitudes through prior research with tens of thousands of adult learners and GED program users.
These student types, or personas, can be grouped into four categories.
Here at GED Testing Service, we have used this information to develop messaging that encourages students to pursue or continue testing. This is found in the GED.com experience for students and throughout the GED.com website. Our goal is to identify the challenges our test takers face and provide supportive ways to meet each student’s studying and testing needs.
Here are the four different “mindsets” alongside several identifying characteristics:
Determined— “I WILL The GED is my first step to success”
Even the most determined student can hit obstacles, so encouragement is still valuable. This persona also needs the benefit of well-target study aids: everything from how to study through what to study can be useful.
Family Go-To— “I CAN I need my GED, it’s so important!”
This persona has a strong desire to be a good person and to do good in the world — but has seen being available to her/his family as the only way to do that. Help this persona see a bigger vision of how they can do good in the world, and for their family, with the GED.
Disheartened—“I’LL TRY I want my GED, but can I do it?”
This persona needs hope, especially hope that they are able to change. That takes the growth mindset and self-efficacy. Help this persona see that every hero experiences failure and setbacks, and overcoming those ordeals is part of the victory.
Here and Now—“I WILL… later The GED will always be there.”
While everyone is affected by the context around them, this persona will especially benefit from a context that encourages consistent actions in the right direction. That context can come from a positive social group, a structured study tool, or automated messaging.
Identifying similarities between the personas and your students can help you develop and implement classroom instruction that motivates and accounts for the different ways students may approach the GED testing journey.
The full chart with detailed descriptions of each persona can be downloaded here.