On September 14, Drew Barrymore announced on her show that she and three adult learners would begin their journey of earning their GED credentials with the help of RuPaul!

RuPaul left high school when he was in the 11th grade and then went on to earn his GED credential when he was 19 years old. Drew was emancipated when she was only 14 years old and didn’t earn her high school diploma. Drew invited three Drew Barrymore Show viewers to create “Drew & Ru’s Back-to-School Crew”.

The first adult learner earning her GED credential alongside Drew is Anissa a 50-year-old from Florida. After becoming pregnant at 17 years old, Anissa’s life got in the way of graduating with her high school diploma. However, she is looking forward to her GED journey and starting her second chapter in life.

The second adult learner is Justin, a 19-year-old from New York. After saving a family from a burning car, he was motivated to return to school and make his mom and little siblings proud.

The final adult learner on this journey is Linda from California. Growing up, Linda didn’t have a very big support system to encourage her to finish school. She then left school during her junior year of high school. Linda wants to set a good example for her children and hopes to open a business of her own one day!

To learn more about the start of Drew’s GED journey, you can watch the entire segment of her announcement here. You can also stay updated on Drew and the “Back-to-School Crew” by following the hashtags #DrewBack2School and #DrewBarrymoreShow Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

We wish Drew and the Back-to-School Crew the best of luck on their journey, and we look forward to seeing them become official GED graduates!