Consider stopping by our events and presentations. We’re offering multiple sessions covering GED program updates, professional development, and the latest study tools at COABE’s annual conference.
Here’s a look at what we’re offering:
Building Strong Mathematics Foundations for GED Mathematical Reasoning
Presenter: Ronald Cruz
Summary: This session will focus on instructional tools and techniques targeting foundational mathematics concepts from basic operations, fractions and decimals to number system, rates, and probabilities. Instructional tools and techniques will not only allow teachers to engage students, but also deepen their conceptual understanding which is critical towards understanding higher order mathematical concepts.
Grasping GED Higher Order Math Concepts for Deeper Understanding
Presenter: Ronald Cruz
Summary: This session will focus on instructional tools and techniques targeting higher order mathematics concepts, from ratio, proportion, and slopes to equations, graphs, and functions. Instructional tools and techniques will not only allow teachers to engage students, but also deepen their conceptual understanding, which allows students to apply learned skills in various scenarios or applications in real-word problems.
Helping Students Build Knowledge and Skills in Social Studies
Presenters: Susan Pittman and Debi Faucette
Summary: Participants will explore specific knowledge and skill gaps students are demonstrating in social studies. These knowledge and skill gaps have been identified based on research conducted by the GED Testing Service to ensure that teachers are aware of problem areas and can provide enhanced instruction in those areas. Participants will have an opportunity to review specific questions that present problems as well as explore content topics that can be incorporated into their classes.
Providing Intensive Instruction through GED Boot Camps
Presenter: Susan Pittman
Summary: This section focuses on the benefits and challenges of implementing a GED Boot Camp to help students make that final ush to GED success. In this session, we discuss the various types of boot camps that can be established, review the logistics of getting started, and discuss the options for the curriculum to be used. Resources are provided to participants that they can take back and use to set up a boot camp that suits their programs.
GED 101
Presenter: Scott Salessess
Summary: This session will share “the basics” of the GED program: key components and structure of the exam, research data and student outcomes, tools for the classroom, content overview and key strategies, and invaluable resources found on our website for both educators and students! Participants will leave this session with a fundamental knowledge of the GED Testing Program in order to support students’ success to earn their high school equivalency credential.
Solving the 3 of 4 Dilemma: Reengaging Students Who Are One Test Away from Earning Their GED Diploma/Credential
Presenters: Brian Smith, Sue Grosdidier, Dr. Beverly Godwin, Roslyn Tio
Summary: Does your state or adult education program have students that made it so close to earning their GED credential but never quite finished? There are thousands of students out there who have completed 3 of 4 GED tests but just never passed that last test. This session will address this problem and hear from 3 states that have launched campaigns to help these students finish. These state leaders will share best practices for outreach and engagement and leave plenty of time for questions. Come learn how your state or program can do your own outreach to increase your GED graduate numbers.
Interpreting GED Test Scores for Placement
Presenter: Debi Faucette
Summary: The task of enrolling in postsecondary education is overwhelming for many students. Our GED graduates, because of previous educational experiences, may find even greater challenges in making sure that decisions about their entry into classes consider their successes in passage of the GED Test. The ability to explain the GED transcripts is critical. Students and their advocates need to know what their test scores indicate to ensure they are placed in the appropriate credit-bearing courses rather than non-credit courses.
All About Accommodations
Presenter: Debbie Bergtholdt
Summary: So often, adult education students became frustrated in school because they couldn’t learn like other students, and they just gave up and quit school. It is difficult for them to advocate for themselves to receive the services they now need to be successful in adult education, and we can all be advocates for them. This session will discuss accommodations that are available on high stakes exams, but more importantly, it will give the participants tools to help their students secure the documentation they need to make accommodation requests. By sharing helpful tips, teachers and other advocates will be better equipped to help. It will also empower teachers to have discussions with their students about disabling conditions and how teachers can help. This session is appropriate for all levels. It is not too soon for ABE teachers to assist their students in identifying their learning difficulties and sharing strategies that they can employ as they progress in their educational journey. Teachers in classrooms with students seeking a high school equivalency will find the information about documentation requirements especially helpful.
Turning Learners to Earners: How GED Graduates Use Their Credential As A Ticket To College and Career
Presenter: Jane Bledsoe
Description: Pearson programs can help GED grads transition to free or low-cost college, jobs, and training programs. Learn how a GED certification can help your students connect with colleges and employers who are looking for GED grads today. The session will provide practical applications for using a free GED Credly badge to unlock opportunities and leverage Pearson’s Accelerated Pathways to find free and low-cost college options. The session will highlight a few stories from students who have made the transition from learner to earner, and how you can help your students do the same.
An Analysis of GED Candidates: What Behavioral Patterns and Characteristics are Correlated with Success on the Test(s)?
Presenter: Jane Bledsoe
Summary: In 2022, a team of Graduate students from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of management conducted an analysis of more than 500,000 GED candidates to determine what characteristics and behavioral patterns correlated with candidate success on the test. We will share the segmentation identified by the graduates and discuss features that are common amongst successful completion of tests, including exam-related factors, student motivation, demographic characteristics and purchases related to prep. Importantly, suggestions from how to help differing student segments whether they are considered “determined,” “rushed,” or “hesitant” will be shared. Adult educators will be invited to share their own best practices as we discuss how to help more students to successful completion of their tests.
Creating Inclusive Learning Experiences through DE&I Strategies
Presenter: Adora Beard
Summary: This session will discuss the importance of promoting and committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. GEDTS will share our DE&I framework and how we’re working within our organization and externally with learners, educators, and partners, to advocate for and create equitable opportunities for all learners. During this session, attendees will learn more about how the GED test program is evolving to provide a more inclusive experience through DE&I strategies and initiatives.
Culturally Responsive Teaching for Adult Learners
Presenters: Kellie Blair Hardt & Adora Beard
Summary: This session will help educators learn more about culturally responsive teaching and how it can be implemented in their classrooms. Culturally responsive teaching acknowledges and embraces learners’ cultures, languages, and life experiences. The session will share strategies and examples educators can use to develop a welcoming learning environment that connects to curricula designed to help all learners succeed.
GED Tools and Resources for Corrections Educators
Presenter: Mellissa Hultstrand
Summary: Join us as we review what GED testing in Corrections has been like the last few years and showcase our “Educator Portal.” Let’s look at how easy it is to locate valuable teaching resources, professional development sessions, classroom materials and print ready GED Manager guides (all of which are free!0 for Corrections Educators. We will also highlight some of our prep products which can support Student success in earning their GED.
Instructional Options for Uncertain Times in Correctional Programs
Presenters: Susan Pittman and Mellissa Hultstrand
Summary: Over the past two and a half years, many correctional programs have had to close their classes for indeterminant periods of time. Students participating in those programs were left with few if any options for continuing their education. There are options available for local jails and state prisons. These options range from the low-tech to high-tech. Some require little or no additional funds while some require higher initial investments. However, there is a payoff for students who are able to continue their preparation for a high school credential and advance to reentry programs.