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3 Tips for Success on the GED Test 

July 16, 2024

You are in the right place to find everything you need to feel confident for your GED® test. Start your journey to join over 21 million GED graduates. Follow these three tips for success, and leverage GED Marketplace® to help you find the resources you need to complete your journey. 

Tip#1: Start with your strongest subject first 

When taking your GED test, you are not required to take all four test subjects in one day. You can start with the test subject you feel good about; take a GED Ready, and you’ll see if you are likely to pass that test. If you get a ‘green’ – schedule that test right away!  

Tip #2: Choose test prep that matches your preferred way of learning.  
Nobody knows your learning style better than you. How do you like to learn? With books? Online reading and writing? In a classroom? Marketplace has something for every learning style. Curious to know more about your specific learning style? Check out this blog post.  

See our selection of books, all evaluated to fit in with the GED test, so you can be sure you’re getting the best books available. Some books are focused on a single subject, while others are all four subjects in one. Choose the one that you think will work best for you! You know yourself best! 

Online learning materials can be used on-the-go from wherever you are. Check out a wide variety of materials from well-respected publishers who have been preparing learners for the GED test for 10 years or more!  

Do you want to feel like you are in a classroom? Do you enjoy working with others and want a live connection? Check out GED Live™ and take classes from home: by Kaplan’s highest-rated teachers. 

Tip #3. Find out how much you know already! 

GED Ready®, the official GED practice test. Can help you learn how ready you are for the real test. GED Ready will give you feedback within minutes of completing it and will provide suggested areas to improve and prep materials that you can use to get a higher score.  

Use GED Marketplace to help you find all the resources you need to be successful on the GED tests.  

What is GED Marketplace?  

GED Marketplace is an online shop for all the study materials you’ll need to pass the GED. You will find textbooks, online classes and many more resources all in one place. GED Marketplace can help you, no matter your preferred learning style, schedule, or budget.   

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