Since the launch of the Online Proctored (O.P.) GED test pilot in late May more than 1,700 GED tests have been taken remotely.

Over the course of the pilot we have received feedback from test takers that has provided insight on how to improve the testing experience. Below we’ve outlined one of the updates coming to the O.P. testing experience.

Whiteboard and Scratch Pad Tools

Beginning in late July, an onscreen whiteboard option will be available to test takers in addition to the scratch pad tool. Due to test security reasons, students cannot use physical scratch paper or dry erase boards during test sessions and instead must use these tools for notetaking and math work. With the whiteboard students can:

  • Copy/paste exam questions into the whiteboard text box so they can see them while they work
  • Draw different shapes and lines as needed
  • Pan across the whiteboard, zooming in and out to use different areas to do the work on the same whiteboard screen
  • Erase or clear to start something new: the work will be accessible in every section during the entire exam
  • Resize or move the whiteboard around the screen

We are developing a student tutorial for the whiteboard and additional information about the tool, including the option to practice is available here:

The scratch pad tool will remain an option on the test for notetaking and calculations, but it does not have the pen functionality of the whiteboard. A student can open and close the pop-up scratch pad while taking the test.


Test Scheduling

When students log into their accounts they will see both the online and in-person test options listed if they meet the eligibility criteria and reside in a participating state.

Additional updates and reminders related to the Online Proctored GED test:

  • DC and Connecticut have started online proctored testing. 
  • Once students earn a GED Ready green score they will see the online proctored test option in their account (with the exception of a few jurisdictions).
  • The 50% off GED Ready promotion has been extended to July 15. All students are eligible and the discount is automatically applied in their shopping cart at the time of purchase.

A full archive of webinars and additional information about the online proctored test is available on the Test Administration page.