Our latest Tuesdays for Teachers webinar shared how instructors can help learners overcome skill and knowledge gaps in math.

Special guest presenters Michael Bell, GEDTS Math Content Specialist, and Cheryl Klar-Trim, Manager of Test Development, took educators through a presentation focused on mathematical reasoning.  It provided a content-based introduction to trends in students’ knowledge and skills gaps, suggested additional instructional strategies, and offered new ideas for the classroom.

The webinar highlighted:

  • How items and tests are developed
  • How skill/knowledge gaps are identified
  • Specific skills and GED indicators where students and test takers have the most challenges
  • Possible reasons why students and test-takers are having difficulty

Our statistics have found that a lot of students are close to earning a high school credential, if only they could master the skills needed for the GED Math test. We found that:

  • 70% of those who have taken the GED Math test scored in the 140-144 range,
  • 36% scored 145+ on the GED Ready Math test and ·
  • 57% scored in the 135-144 range on the GED Ready Math test.

A recording of the recent webinar, as well as supplemental resources, are available here.

This session was the first of two parts that will focus on mathematical reasoning. Part two of this webinar series is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th at 3:30 pm ET/2:30 pm CT. You can register here.