We’ve made some recent updates to enhance the user experience in Student and GED Manager™ accounts. 

Here is a rundown of the most important changes:

  1. Edit profile update: This makes it easier for Students to see what information they entered into their account (all at once) and they can easily update most of this information when needed.
  2. Guided Path feature: Part of new experience that clearly outlines Student’s next steps in their preparation and testing journey.
  3. My Scores update: Easier to view all operational or GED Ready® scores separately and FAQ section has been added.
  4. Voucher search field: NEW! *Only some GED Manager users will have access to this feature* This feature allows users to check usage of GED Ready vouchers. 

More details about what’s new and improved for Students, Educators and Administrators is covered in this recent recording: https://recordings.join.me/Ti7QsESat02ojt9eBzdvZw 

If you have additional questions please contact [email protected]