You may recall last April, we interviewed our GED® Testing Service Director of Product Management, Jane Bledsoe, about the official GED mobile application. Here are some updates to our mobile app and how you can help us further the development of this vital tool for GED learners.
While the primary audience for the app is the learners who are preparing for the GED on their own, adult educators can also use the app. The app is like a ‘virtual advisor’ in your pocket, helping the learner organize their path to taking and passing the GED tests. In doing so, learners will meet Virtual Advisor character, Syd. This character celebrates with learners as they make their way through practice questions, scheduling tests, and completing milestones.
Our research found that 18% of candidates who create an account on make progress by testing within a year. We want to help the learners who feel stuck along their journey. The app will give them confidence and motivation to reach their goals.
If you attended the GED Conference this past summer, you had a chance to try a prototype of the app and provide feedback. We appreciate receiving your thoughts and have made updates to the prototype and the app launch.
We plan to beta-test the app starting this quarter. We invite you to be a beta tester for our GED mobile app to help us improve the experience. Stay tuned for signup details in next month’s issue of In Session.
Please note that the app is not meant to replace the website. There is a wealth of information on that learners and educators will continue to access. and the same login can be used for the app and The two will be linked so that a test scheduled on will prompt a notification in the app. The app will not include all the content found on The app will help guide learners as they navigate the GED journey.