The quest for personal and professional growth has become more critical in today’s rapidly evolving world. Earning your GED can enhance your career opportunities, further your education, increase your potential earnings, and give you a sense of self-empowerment.
Creating a free GED account is easy and allows you to access a wealth of study materials, tips for taking the GED test, available in-person and online classes, more information about test subjects, and much more.
This helpful guide will provide the steps to create a account so you can begin working toward your personal and professional goals.
Step 1: Assigning an Email Address and Password
You must designate an email address and password to create your GED account. Your password cannot be your email address and must contain the following:
- At least eight characters
- Letters
- At least one symbol or number
Once you’ve assigned an email address and chosen a password, select “Create account.”
Step 2: Provide Your Personal Information
Next, you’ll need to provide personal information for the GED account, including the following:
- First, middle, and last name as shown on your government-issued ID
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
At the bottom of the page, you must agree to the Candidate Agreement Policy and select “Continue” to move on to the next step. This agreement includes’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Cookies Policy.
Step 3: Guidance and Support Options
On the next page, you can enable email and text information, including news and discounts from, expert guidance, and personal support to help you earn your GED. These additional guidance and support options are elective; you don’t have to sign up for these if you don’t want to. Once you’ve made your selections, click “Continue.”
Step 4: Testing Locations
Next, you’ll need to choose your testing location. You can select a state or another country. If you don’t see your country (or the testing site you need is on a US military base) select “other countries.” Once you’ve made your selection, hit “Continue.”
Step 5: GED Classes
Will you use your GED account to enroll in a GED class? This next screen asks about your interest in GED classes. If you select “Yes,” you can view class locations near you before heading to the next screen. Otherwise, select “No” and “Continue.”
Step 6: Questions About Your GED Journey
On the following pages, you’ll answer a few questions about where you are on your journey to earning a GED. Questions and selectable answers include:
- Have You Started Studying
- No, I haven’t started studying yet
- Yes, I’m currently studying in a GED class
- Yes, I’m currently studying on my own
- How Do You Prefer to Learn?
- Online study materials on my own
- In-person with a teacher
- Online with a teacher
- Books on my own
- Tell Us Why You’re Here Today
- Schedule a GED test
- Get study guidance
- Take the official practice test
- I’m just browsing
After you’ve answered these questions, you’ll be taken to your new GED account page.
Exploring Your Free Account
Your GED account provides access to a wealth of resources and learning options. From the home page of your account, you can do the following:
- Review your GED goals, including the current subject you’re studying and your test goal date
- View study guides for all four GED subjects
- Prepare for and schedule your GED test in-person or online and review test tips
- View promotional offers in your area
- View your GED test and GED practice test scores
- Take the Learning Preference Assessment under the “Study” tab to determine your best method of studying to pass the GED
Sign Up for Success
You’re considering a critical step toward improving your opportunities for a better life. People like you from diverse backgrounds are taking this step alongside you. Learn more about their journey here:
Create a GED Account Today for Free
Ready to get started? Creating your GED account is the first step in earning your GED and the many benefits that come with it. makes studying for the GED test easier with helpful study guides, testing tips, and easy access to classes, testing centers, and more.
Create your GED account today to get all the benefits of earning your GED!