Exhibit 6a United States
Registration and Test Prep
It is critical to the integrity of the testing program that only eligible candidates with valid identification are permitted to take the GED® tests. GED Administrators™ shall ensure that Official GED Testing Centers employ appropriate means to verify the identity and eligibility of each GED® candidate prior to testing.
A. Pre-registration provides an Official GED Testing Center and GED Chief Examiner™ or GED Examiner™ with:
- An accurate count of the number and variety of GED® test booklets needed for each test event administration.
- An opportunity to organize the GED® testing session and make seat assignments.
- An accurate idea of the number of GED Examiners™ and GED Proctors™ required for the test administration.
- The ability to determine a Candidate’s eligibility to test via the GED Manager administration tool.
- The ability to complete portions of the test surveillance log (Forms L-80-1 and L-80-2) prior to testing.
B. Pre-registration can also be helpful to accomplish the following steps::
- Create the GED® candidate account in GED Manager™, and input the required demographic data before the testing event.
- Collect fees.
- Prepare for any accommodations.
- Inform the GED® Candidate about the Non-disclosure Agreement and Candidate Rules Agreement have him/her sign the form and then maintain a copy through the testing cycle plus one year after final scores are received.
- Ensure the Candidate completes the demographic form before the testing event date.
- Remind the Candidates that they may preview the test videos on GED.com before the testing event date. (Viewing is optional.)
- The Test Administrator will establish a “Testing Event” in GED Manager™. This Testing Event will connect Candidates with an upcoming testing event date. The Testing Event process establishes the following:
- An official date for testing. Testing Events can be established at any time prior to seven (7) days before the expected testing event date.
- An aggregation of Candidates into a Test Roster for the Testing Event.
- The timeline for ordering the required testing materials.
- An evaluation of the eligibility of each Candidate for both the Testing Event, and the content area the Candidate intends to take.
- Testing Event information such as the date of the Testing Event, the Candidates scheduled and content area scheduled can be edited up until seven (7) days prior to the defined testing event date. After that time, no more changes to the Testing Event will be allowed.
- Once a Testing Event is set-up in GED Manager™, it awaits production. Seven (7) days before the scheduled test date, the test materials associated with the Testing Event will be produced and shipped to the appropriate Testing Center.
- Items to be included in the shipment: Test booklet(s), Answer Sheet(s), Test Roster(s), Surveillance Log(s), Return Label(s), Extra Plastic envelope for returning materials.
- As long as Candidates complete testing within the Testing Event period their scores will be included with the Testing Event batch. The Test Administration Period begins on the testing Event Date and continues for two weeks. As long as the Candidates are tested within seven (7) days of the scheduled testing event date the Candidates tests will be scored.
- Tests will be mailed via two (2) day mail service to the Testing Center.
- When tests arrive at the Testing Center:
- Tests and test materials must be handled securely and in accordance with the GED® Program Policy and Procedures.
- Test Administrator will immediately verify inventory sheet for accuracy and completeness and immediately alert GED Testing Service of any missing contents.
- Administering the test.
- Test Administrators will follow Paper Test Administration Directions.
- Test Administrators will fill out surveillance logs for each Testing Event.
- Only certified Test Administrators may handle the tests; teachers may not handle, administer or be involved in the GED® Testing Event in any way.
a. Prior to any testing session, the GED Examiner™ shall:
- Set up the test room for the Testing Event session.
- Remove any educational visuals from the walls or boards (i.e., charts and notes).
- Clear any clutter from the desks and surrounding areas.
- Space desks at appropriate distances.
- Verify that a working clock is present and visible to all candidates.
- Review the testing center’s emergency plan.
- To properly prepare for the Testing Event, the examiner should review the Testing Event Roster and ensure that the appropriate test materials are available for each Candidate for each content area. Test materials might include erasable noteboards, laminated reference sheets, calculators or erasable wax pencils. Ensure the Test Event information is accurate and update the following information, as needed:
– Candidate seat assignment
– Attending Test Administrator(s) (Examiners)
– Content Areas completed
– Test Administration Date - Best practice indicates that each testing session of 1–20 candidates have two (2) examiners present. For test events of more than 20 Candidates, one (1) additional examiner is required.
b. Immediately before the Testing Session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Remove tests from their secured location and place them in the temporary secured holding location (i.e., briefcase, hard case, rolling file cabinet).
- Make sure that the testing room is properly configured, including providing storage for the Candidates’ personal items.
- Identify and sign in Candidates. Make sure that each Candidate has a valid identification.
- Verify each Candidate’s name, picture, and signature.
- Direct Candidates to assigned seating.
- Establish rapport and attempt to relax Candidates prior to test session.
- Make all general announcements, such as location of restroom facilities and guidelines for breaks, smoking, and emergency exits. Prompt Candidates to use the storage location for coats, hats, books, cell phones, and all other electronic devices.
c. At the beginning of the Testing Event, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Remind Candidates that they are required to comply with the “Candidate Non disclosure Agreement and Candidate Rules Agreement” that they signed during pre-registration.
- Make final announcement that Candidates should place their personal belongings (i.e., coats, hats, books, cell phones, etc.) in the storage area.
- Seat Candidates according to the form that they will use.
- Avoid seating Candidates with the same content area test forms directly beside or in front of each other. Ensure that at least one Candidate, or empty test seat exists between Candidates who are taking the same content area tests.
- Ensure that each Candidate has appropriate pens/pencils.
- Begin to read “Standard Directions To Be Read Aloud by the GED Chief Examiner™ or the GED Examiner™” (refer to EXHIBIT NUMBER 7).
- Distribute additional materials as directed.
- Record the start time of each Candidate on the surveillance log (Forms L-80 and L-80-2).
d. During the testing session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Monitor testing by walking around the testing room while Candidates are testing.
- Remind Candidates to stay in their seats after they complete their tests.
- Record the end time of each Candidate on the surveillance log.
- Proceed to check in the test materials.
- Collect all test booklets, answer sheets, and erasable noteboards while the Candidates remain seated. Never allow Candidate to leave the room unless they have been excused by a GED Examiner™.
- View and fan through the test booklets to make sure that there are no pages marked, torn, or missing.
- Remain aware of what the Candidates are doing while checking in items.
- Make sure test materials are checked and inventoried before Candidates are dismissed.
- Check each Candidate’s materials against the test surveillance log before permitting the Candidate to leave the testing room. Candidates who have been excused from the testing area may not be readmitted until the start of the next testing session.
- Return all tests to the temporary storage unit.
Note: During the Testing Event, the GED Chief Examiner™ and GED Examiner(s)™ may not read, do any other work unrelated to the current test session, or allow themselves to be distracted or interrupted.
e. After the testing session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Ensure that all answer sheets and test booklets are accounted for.
- Make sure that all tests are organized in the order they appear on the Testing Event Roster.
- Complete the Check-in portion of the Testing Event Roster.
- Test materials should be moved between the testing room and secure storage in a locked case.
- Ensure all ancillary test materials, such as laminated reference sheets, calculators, erasable noteboards, etc., are inventoried and checked in. All erasable noteboards must be cleaned prior to being placed in storage.
- All answer sheets and test booklets must be packaged and returned to the designated scoring address, using the labels and packaging provided immediately after a test session.
- Answer sheets (incomplete, completed and partial) and test booklets should be reviewed and inventoried for the completeness of all test materials. Ensure there are no missing pages or answer sheets. Test batches should be sent to the scoring site within seven (7) calendar days of the scheduled completion of the testing event. Do not retain answer sheets even if a Candidate only takes part of the test.
f. When testing is completed:
The Test Administrator will verify all tests have been returned via Test Event Roster and prep the tests for return to GED Testing Service in accordance with the process outlined in the Policy Manual:
- Items to include in return package (Test Event Shipment): Test(s), Answer Sheet(s), Test Roster(s), Surveillance Log(s).
- All tests included in the Test Event Roster must be returned. Even if the Candidate was unable to take the test, the materials provided for that Candidate must be returned with the Test Event Shipment.
- Tracking number for the Test Event Shipment will be maintained in GED Manager™. If for any reason a Test Event Shipment is returned without the previously provided shipping label, [email protected] must be notified immediately so that the tracking record may be updated.
Exhibit 6b Canada
Registration and Test Prep
Canadian Paper Based Testing Program
It is critical to the integrity of the GED® testing program that only eligible candidates with valid identification are permitted to take the GED® tests. GED Administrators™ shall ensure that Official GED® Testing Centers employ appropriate means to verify the identity and eligibility of each GED® Candidate prior to testing.
All testing centers must follow the testing registration process.
a. Prior to any testing session, the GED Examiner™ shall:
- Ensure that the appropriate test batteries are available for test administration.
- Set up the test room for the testing session.
- Remove any educational visuals from the walls or boards (i.e. charts and notes).
- Clear any clutter from the desks and surrounding areas.
- Space desks at appropriate distances.
- Verify that a working clock is present and visible for all candidates.
- Review the testing center’s emergency plan.
- To properly prepare for the test session the examiner should begin to fill in the surveillance log (Forms L-80 and L80-2) or a similar document that contains the same information to ensure accurate recording of testing session. The items listed below should be added to the document prior to the start of the testing session:
• Candidate’s information (name, identification number, seat assignment).
• Test information (form, topic card letter, serial number).
• Examiner and Proctor names. - Best practice indicates that each testing session of 1–20 candidates have two (2) examiners.
b. Immediately before the Testing Session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Remove tests from their permanent secured location and place them in the temporary secured holding location (i.e., briefcase, hard case, rolling file cabinet).
- Complete Form L-22 (Inventory of GED® Secure Materials Removed and Returned to Secure Permanent Storage) to indicate the inventory of the test materials being removed from the secure permanent storage location.
- Make sure that the testing room is appropriate, including providing storage for the Candidates’ personal items.
- Identify and sign in Candidates. Make sure that the Candidates have a valid form of identification which complies with the requirements of the Jurisdiction in which the Testing Center is located.
- Verify each Candidate’s name, picture, and signature.
- Direct Candidates to assigned seating.
- Establish rapport and attempt to relax the Candidates prior to the start of the Test Event session.
- Make all general announcements, such as location of restroom facilities and guidelines for breaks, smoking, and emergency exits. Prompt Candidates to use the storage location to store coats, hats, books, cell phones, etc.
c. At the beginning of the testing session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Remind Candidates of the need for them to comply with the requirements of the “Candidate Non disclosure Agreement and Candidate Rules Agreement.”
- Make a final announcement that Candidates should place their personal belongings (i.e., coats, hats, books, cell phones, etc.) in the storage area.
- Seat Candidates according to the test form that they will use.
- Avoid seating Candidates with the same form beside or in front of each other.
- Ensure that each Candidate has an appropriate pens/pencils.
- Begin to read “Standard Directions To Be Read Aloud by the GED Chief Examiner™ or the GED Examiner™” (refer to EXHIBIT NUMBER 7).
- Distribute additional materials as directed.
- Record the start time of each Candidate on the surveillance log (Forms L-80 and L80-2).
d. During the testing session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Monitor testing by walking around the testing room while Candidates are testing.
- Remind Candidates to stay in their seats after they complete their tests.
- Record the end time of each Candidate on the surveillance log.
- Proceed to check in the materials.
- Collect all test booklets, answer sheets, and colored scratch paper while the Candidates remain seated. Do not allow any Candidate to leave the room unless excused by a GED Examiner™.
- View and fan through the test booklets to make sure that there are no pages marked, torn, or missing.
- Remain aware of what each Candidate is doing while checking in the items.
- Make sure test materials are checked and inventoried before any Candidates are dismissed.
- Check each Candidate’s materials against the test surveillance log before permitting the candidate to leave the testing room. Candidates who have been excused from the testing area may not be readmitted until the start of the next testing session.
- Return all tests to the temporary storage unit.
Note: During the testing session, the GED Chief Examiner™, GED Examiner(s)™, and GED Proctor(s)™ must not read, do any other work unrelated to the current test session, or allow him/herself to be distracted or interrupted.
e. After the testing session, the GED Examiner™ should:
- Ensure that all answer sheets are accounted for. Inspect all used test booklets for any marks, damage, or missing pages before returning them to locked storage.
- Make sure that all tests are returned to their correct battery folder.
- Use Form L-22 (Inventory of GED® Secure Materials Removed and Returned to Secure Permanent Storage) to complete an inventory of materials before returning them to permanent storage.