Understanding Your Scores
The GED® Passing Score
If you score a 145 on each test subject, that means you have passed! Scoring at the passing level is a great accomplishment and allows you to build upon your future. You can go on to college, advance your career, and earn more money.
GED® College Ready Score Level
If you score in the 165-174 score range, that means you have the skills needed to start college-level courses and may be exempt from placement tests or remedial (non-credit) courses in college. This will save you money and help you earn your degree faster.
GED® College Ready + Credit Score Level
If you score in the 175-200 range, that means you have demonstrated skills that are being taught in college-level courses and could be eligible to earn college credit! Depending on the program you apply to, you may be able to earn up to:
- 3 credits in Math
- 3 credits in Science
- 3 credits in Social Studies
- and 1 credit in Humanities
By earning college credit, you have the ability to bypass certain required classes which ultimately saves you time and money.
How College Ready and College Ready + Credit Work
- Send your transcript and score report to the college or institution that you plan on attending
- Check with the college admissions office to see if you are eligible to skip placement tests or remedial courses if you scored College Ready, and if the college will accept credits earned through the GED® test if you scored College Ready + Credit