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Just because you didn’t graduate before, don’t let others get you down. Always stay positive and keep working hard.

Jessica was nominated as the GEDWorks™ Student of the Month by her advisor for her dedication and perseverance. Jessica works at KFC and achieving her GED was the key to getting promoted to franchise manager.

Her own managers were the ones who encouraged her to sign up for GEDWorks in order to get her high school credential at no cost. Jessica was happy to discover that KFC offered such a valuable resource.

Jessica shared her motivation along the student journey: “My job is important to me and I enjoy it, but I also wanted to spend more time with my daughter, who is four years old. With a stable management role, I wouldn’t have to be away from her so much.”

She started the GEDWorks program in September 2020, taking advantage of online tools and guidance from her advisor to do well on the GED test. GED Ready practice tests provided a baseline of which subjects she could pass quickly, and which ones needed more time. Additionally, the program requires students to prep three hours per week; Jessica went above and beyond by studying much more.

Her hard work paid off! She passed Language Arts and Social Studies subjects first, followed by Science and Math. With her GED in hand, Jessica is proud of her success. She offers this advice to fellow learners: “Keep working hard [on your GED] and don’t let anyone get you down just because you didn’t graduate before. Think positive, always think positive.”