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David - Taco Bell

The fact that they funded the program shows that they really care about their employees.

Ever since dropping out of high school, David wanted to earn his GED credential. He knew he needed it to further his career, but life — and his busy work schedule as an assistant manager at Taco Bell didn’t allow him to take in-person GED classes.

So when the Taco Bell where David works began offering the GEDWorks program, it was the perfect opportunity for him to finally get the diploma that he had wanted for so long. David was eager to take advantage — and he was one of the first employees to sign up for the program.

Using the online study materials and working with the GED Advisor offered with the program, David was able to study for and pass the test. David also has the distinction of being the first Taco Bell employee to graduate from the GEDWorks program with a GED credential.

Now that David has passed the test, he plans to continue his education and take online business classes. He looks forward to fully leveraging these business and math skills in growing his career.