Leah, a student from the Philippines, is currently living in Bangkok, Thailand because of her parent’s relocation. She decided to earn her GED diploma to challenge herself and further her education at university. She was inspired to achieve her GED because of reading other GED success stories.
“GED is a very accommodating program for individuals who have dreams. It is a stepping stone to further your education and an alternative to proving one’s ability to apply all the classroom theories. Thank you to GED!”
Leah studied hard to earn this credential by reviewing textbooks and learning from other online sources to understand all 4 subject tests better. Her key to success was to put the effort into her study, to read and understand problem-solving, and to make sure she could finish the exam on time.
Now that Leah has earned her GED credential, she is currently studying Environmental Science Engineering at King Mungkhot University in Bangkok, Thailand.